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    the System Office at
    (402) 463-0234
    Upcoming Events
    Lodge 42 Meeting
    Feb 25, 2025
    Clarion Inn 933 S Riverside DR Elmhurst, IL 60126
    James R Hoffa Scholarship Application Deadline
    Mar 01, 2025
    https://aim.applyists.net/JRHMSF/ Program Key: JRHMSF
    Lodge 1074 Meeting
    Mar 08, 2025
    Perkins in Sheridan, Wyoming
    Lodge 1108 Meeting
    Mar 13, 2025
    Tailgate Bar and Grill in Crawford, NE
    Lodge 14 Meeting
    Mar 14, 2025
    The Office 1600 E Pershing Blvd. Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001
    Important Links
    BMWED National Division
    International Brotherhood of Teamsters
    AFL-CIO Transportation Trades Department
    Railroad Retirement Board
    Your Track To Health - Benefits Hub
    LECMPA (Job Insurance)
    Benefit Harbor (BMWED-Aflac Disability Insurance)
    Union Plus
    • A postcard will be sent today, February 17, 2025, to the address on file, containing your PIN and voting instructions. Tomorrow, February 18, 2025, an email will also be sent to the address we have on file, containing your PIN and voting instructions. Please be sure to follow the instructions on the postcard or in the email to cast your vote. Voting will conclude on March 19, 2025, and the results will be released once all votes are tallied.


      Members on BNSF are voting for the wages, work rules, H&W, and side letters. Here are your voting instructions:

      Members working on CPKC vote on the H&W only, wages and work rules are bargained locally. Here are your voting instructions:


      Keep an eye on your mailbox for your postcard. They are being mailed on February 17, 2025. 

      Ratification information for the Tentative Agreement will be released soon. Please ensure your contact details (phone number, address, and email address) are current with the Burlington System Division. Information will be sent to the contact details on file, so make sure they are up-to-date.

      Use the MEMBER STATUS BUTTON below to update your contract information.

      Dear Brothers and Sisters,

      It is with immense sorrow that we inform you of a tragic and fatal highway accident that occurred today just outside Jonesboro, Arkansas, involving two of our esteemed Brothers from BNSF.

      Brother David Van Winkle, aged 63 and an 11-year member of AT&SFF Local Lodge 2433, and Brother Timothy Foote, aged 61 and a 10-year member of BSD Local Lodge 1533, sadly lost their lives after their crew van was struck by a pickup truck while en route to their jobsite this morning. Another Brother, Zack Williams from AT&SFF Local Lodge 2433, is currently in critical condition in the hospital. Several other Brothers in the van sustained injuries as well.

      During this devastating time, we ask that you hold these members, their families, and all those affected in your thoughts and prayers. Our Union family mourns together, and we pledge to stand in solidarity to support those impacted by this tragedy. We extend our deepest and most heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of Brothers Van Winkle and Foote.

      Please take a moment to reflect on the inherent risks that all railroaders face daily in their efforts to provide for their families. Let us continue to look out for one another and remain steadfastly committed to ensuring the safety of every railroad worker.

      The Rail Safety Improvement Act (RSIA), enacted on October 16, 2008, mandates that each Class I, intercity passenger, and commuter railroad carrier develop and submit a Critical Incident Stress Plan for approval by the Secretary of Transportation. These plans must provide debriefing, counseling, guidance, and other support services for employees affected by critical incidents. Additionally, the RSIA requires that employees involved in or witnessing critical incidents be relieved from duty and granted leave as necessary to receive preventive services and treatment related to the incident. 

      To view the BNSF Critical Incident Stress Plan click or tap HERE

      Another resource available to members dealing with this tragic event is the Union First EAP. They can provide direction and facilitate counseling for anyone in need. 

      A brief overview of the Tentative Agreement by George Loveland.

      *To view the full Tentative Agreement Tap or Click HERE

      *Highlights and comments in Red added for clarification purposes only. They are not a part of the original Tentative Agreement.


      Congratulations to the members working on the LS&I for an outstanding voter turnout!

      Surgery Plus is now LANTERN

      LANTERN offers excellent and affordable care for planned surgeries. For more information or to schedule a procedure, call 1-888-726-0823 (available Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. - 11 p.m. ET) or visit https://yourtracktohealth.com/).


      To view the Tentative Agreement Tap or Click HERE


      Exciting news for BSD members! Thanks to the generous donation from the Casey Jones Law Firm, you could win an autographed Joe Montana jersey!

      Every lodge meeting you attend earns you another entry into the drawing. So, the more meetings you attend, the better your chances of winning this legendary piece of sports memorabilia. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity! Find out when you lodge meeting is scheduled on our EVENTS CALENDAR!

      To find the contact information for your System Officer, go to www.bmwedburlington.org/officers_and_staff


      Starting January 1, 2025, the monthly healthcare cost-share will drop 10%, bringing it down to $277.54. This is due to the agreement between the CRLO (Cooperating Rail Labor Organizations) and the NCCC (National Carriers Conference Committee). 


      This video highlights what Rail Labor has been thinking for decades! Please watch it and share it with your friends and family. The reductions in the railroad workforce have had a devastating impact, not only on Rail Labor but also on the communities that rely on rail transportation for hazardous materials. Let's all stand with Rail Labor for ALL of our safety and well-being.


      Combined Claim Form

      This form can be used for a Rules Claim or a Contracting Claim Submission.

      Witness Statement

      Used to provide supporting evidence for a claim,


      Statement of Skills

      & Experience

      Used to provide a work history for a claim,


      Continuing Claim Tracking Form

      Used to track hours on a weekly basis for claims that are continuing in nature.




      Click the appropriate icon to access the online form!

      Check your Form BA-6 from the RRB!

      The RRB will be sending out Form BA-6 in the latter part of June. It is extremely important to review these forms for accuracy and file a protest (Form G-70) as soon as possible. If a protest is filed with the RRB, you will need to provide proof of compensation from the Carrier in that month to receive credit or military orders that clearly show service in the disputed month. 

      The G-70 forms are available on the RRB tab within Member Resources menu. 

  • Burlington System Division

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