Read the full report here
Presidential Emergency Board (PEB) 250
Published by the BMWED National Division: Aug 18 2022 3:48PM
As you’re aware, the recommendations from Presidential Emergency Board (PEB) 250 have been released. The Board’s complete report can be viewed HERE.
As it stands, the BMWED has not reached an agreement with the carriers based upon the PEB recommendations. We intend on meeting with the NCCC to discuss these recommendations more precisely and, if an agreement can be reached, how to implement it. If that were to occur, any agreement reached would then be sent out to the membership for ratification. The other Unions in the bargaining coalition are also wrestling with the information within the recommendations and are weighing our options for moving forward. The Board’s recommendation is merely another step within the bargaining process and we must thoroughly examine and chart a path forward with the information we’ve received.
To aid in our assessment of the situation, we will include a few documents for your reference.
The first chart, linked here and provided by our economist at the Labor Bureau, illustrates the recommended General Wage Increases (GWIs) based on the average BMWED hourly rate of pay. Also included is the Net Rate of Pay when the recommended health insurance contributions are factored (the numbers provided for health care cost increases are projections provided by the Board but are subject to potential decreases) The current Labor Bureau chart EXCLUDES the BMWED's travel allowances and away from home expenses as recommended by PEB 250.
Secondly, here is a chart of our proposal to PEB 250 so that you can compare what our proposal was with the recommendations from the Board itself.
In addition, a historical reference sheet detailing all PEBs the BMWED has been involved in at the National and Regional levels since the Railway Labor Act was signed. We think it is important to familiarize yourself with all of them to compare this recommendation to those that proceeded it.
Going forward, we ask that each Member look through the material provided and be patient as the process moves forward. We are committed to reaching the best possible agreement for our Membership.