Get Involved!!
The Burlington System Division stands as the unwavering voice for railroad workers. These dedicated individuals bear the responsibility of maintaining our nation’s critical railroad tracks, bridges, and structures. Day after day, they leave their homes, risking their lives to perform essential work that keeps our economy in motion. Yet, despite their sacrifices, their employer often fails to recognize their contributions. We persistently advocate for change, striving to bridge the vast gap between what the railroads provide their employees and what these hardworking individuals truly deserve. Together, we fight for justice, fairness, and the acknowledgment of their invaluable role in keeping our nation connected. For more information, and to get involved, follow us on Facebook and TikTok by clicking the logos below: The absolute best way for the public to join our fight is by simply interacting with our social media (liking, following, sharing, etc.) to help us spread awareness. Railroads care far more about their public image than their employees, so this is truly our best avenue in which to pursue change. We appreciate any community support we get as we fight for our members. CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE BURLINGTON SYSTEM WEBSITE (MEMBER LOGIN REQUIRED)
Page Last Updated: Nov 04, 2024 (07:16:00)